Sustainable Food Service Fresh & Natural

Fresh ingredients, organic foods, environmentally friendly design and operation.

As an organization and as individuals, we make food and its enjoyment the focus of our work.

Your dining service can help ensure your employees or students are healthy, vigorous and highly motivated to do their best possible work in the office, on the plant floor or in the classroom, and in their personal lives.

Our Fresh & Natural approach achieves this goal through . . .

  • Developing and implementing imaginative, nutritious meals, prepared from “scratch” using fresh ingredients, locally sourced
  • Eliminating or minimizing junk foods
  • Using organic and hormone-free foods to the extent practicable
  • Providing nutrition information and education
  • Reinforcing your initiatives to encourage wellness and a healthful lifestyle.

Fresh & Natural will enhance your program for sustainability and reduce operating costs through:

  • Efficient operating practices and energy conservation
  • Energy-efficient equipment
  • Ecologically friendly facility design
  • Waste Control
  • Recycling and composting

A Fresh & Natural food service program can improve customer satisfaction, productivity and morale and increase sales at an affordable cost.

Talk to us about your vision for your food service operation — Contact Clarion Group

food service consulting

Food Service Consultants
P.O. Box 158,
Kingston, NH 03848-0158

Phone: (603) 642-8011   
Fax: (603) 642-7744

Offering food service management consulting, hospitality services consulting, sustainable dining facility design. Nationwide food service consultants.

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